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Rachel Langford

Rachel Langford is the founder of the London nctNeurofeedback Clinic. The clinic offers neurophysiological EEG assessment and training for the treatment of cognitive, learning processing, emotional dis-regulation and neurodiversity challenges in children and adults. ​


Rachel has 20 years’ clinic experience in the field of Neurofeedback and Neurotherapy, working for many years at The Galim Neurofeedback Centre in Israel. The Galim Centre has more than 30 years of experience in training, treatment and research into neurofeedback and neuroscience for the treatment of a variety of neural, cognitive and emotional conditions. ​


Rachel is also the head of research and clinical Science at NeuroAudit, developing innovative psychoacoustic ultrasound neuro-stimulation technology for cognitive improvements in Alzheimer’s patients.​


Rachel’s most recent research project focuses on auditory brain stimulation for improving cognitive functions. She teaches and gives talks and workshops. She is also an author and a neuroscience journalist.

Rachel Langford is qualified in medical neuroscience (MSc.Med). She completed her previous studies at the Haddasah Medical Centre at the Hebrew University, Israel. Her research has demonstrated the possibility of reversing neural birth defects induced by prenatal exposure to pesticides. This was demonstrated using stem cell transplant to the hippocampus and shown to improve spatial learning and memory in animal models.


For her studies of Health Psychology at Middlesex University London, Rachel was studying Binaural Beats Therapy within the Mood-Matching-Music paradigm (Franco et al., 2014) on Heart Rate Variability and cognitive function.


Rachel offers talks to private groups, conferences, online workshops and anyone who wants to learn about the brain. Some of the topics she discusses are: Stress related physical and neural disorders and therapy, ADHD therapy via brain-wave and oxygen patterns analysis, consciousness and awareness, brain and neurodiversity and more.


Langford’s first book 'Wanted: a knight in shining Armour' was published (in Hebrew) in 2009 covering interviews and studies in the field of neuroscience and romantic relationships. Interviews presented are personal stories of people searching for love in different ways. The book offers an insight to relationships and emotions from a scientific aspect.

Collaborative research

Near-Death-Experience Research

Rachel's ongoing research into consciousness and the brain in people who had had a near-death experience (NDE). The online data collection is both through participants of the UK NDE support group and individually.

Anyone who had an NDE can click here to join the study.

Collaborative research project – Stem Cells

2007-2010: Stem Cell project with Professor Ron Eliashar MD, of the Department of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery at the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center. We studied the option of using olfactory mucosa stem cells for reversal of chlorpyrifos neurobehavioural teratogenicity in mice.


Collaborative research project – Behavioural Neuroscience

2011-2013: Conducted a study of the biological anthropologist Dr Helen Fisher (Rutgers University, USA) in Israel. She studied hormonal personality types and the way prenatal exposure to four hormones affect brain development and thus, mate choice. Results in Israel collected and analysed (more than 4000 people), with the Galim Center facility and staff.


Collaborative research project – EEG and HEG in Fibromyalgia patients

2013: A collaborative research project with Dr. Ernesto Korenman (Hadassah Medical Center, Israel and St. Bartholomew’s Medical College, London), and the Galim center. The aim was to develop and test a novel innovative treatment to help relieve symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia.


Techniques: The use of psychophysiological assessment, neurofeedback (Electroencephalography (EEG) and Hemoencephalography (HEG)) interventions to potentiate the therapeutic effects of R.E.S.T (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy). Results are assessed using psychophysiological, behavioural, psychometric and neurological clinically validated methods, and will be sent for publication.

2010 - present

2010 - present



  • Reversal of chlorpyrifos neurobehavioral teratogenicity in mice by allographic transplantation of adult subventricular zone-derived neural stem cells.


Gadi Turgeman, Adi Pinkas, Theodore A. Slotkin, Matanel Tfilin, Rachel Langford, Joseph Yanai . J Neurosci Res. (2011) 89(6): 1185-1193



  • A Mechanism-based complementary screening approach for the amelioration and reversal of neurobehavioral teratogenicity


Joseph Yanai, Yael Brick-Turin, Sharon Dotan, Rachel Langford, Adi Pinkas, and Theodore A. Slotkin. Neurotoxicol Teratol (2010) 32(1): 109-113.



  • Reversal of chlorpyrifos neurobehavioral teratogenicity in mice by nicotine administration and neural stem cell transplantation.


Hana Billauer-Haimovitch, Theodore A. Slotkin, Sharon Dotan, Rachel Langford, Adi Pinkas and Joseph Yanai. Behav Brain Res (2009) 205(2): 499-504

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Early career researcher member of the British Neuroscience Association 

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